Online player vs player battle! Attack and defend against other players in speedy real-time matches. Requires swift strategy and super human reflexes. Join a crew and compete against the top players in the world. Level up your troops and lead them to battle!
- Online PvP
- Real-time
- No villages!
- No swords!
- No crops!
- World-wide leagues
- Team up and join a crew!
- New events every day
WARPFIELD, a portal thru space to a parallel dimension, was created by a group of scientists to harvest unlimited resources from the uncharted planets of the other universes. But something went wrong. From the other side came evil robots trying to steal our resources. Join the fight against the Red and destroy them before they destroy you. The war has begun, now it’s time for intense action! Send your army of robots and tanks to combat on the arena in this ultra fast-paced sci-fi shooter.
Robots are your heros. Command an army of B.U.G., Gunblazer, Rocky and all your mechanic soldiers. They can go into the Warpfield where no human can survive. Upgrade their skills, weapons and gear to get advantage in combat.
Combine aggressive attacks with tower defense. Upgrade your base and guard it with your troops. Take over the map and always make sure to protect your M.O.T.H.E.R. (Master Of Tasks & Heavy Equipment Resources).
Join the multiplayer experience. Get your clan together and play with friends. Compete for the top rank each season to win big rewards for your team.
EASY TO PLAY but totally hard core RTS. Simple and intuitive touch controls make the game deceptively simple yet hard to master. Unique visuals reminiscent of retro arcade games with an updated modern touch. Join the PvP fight in real time for free and save your galaxy from total annihilation!
The game requires a network connection.